ASA Blog Post

What Type of Social Media Personality Are You?


Written by Andy Huston

At the risk of sounding old, I remember when social media didn’t exist. Since it emerged in the early 2000’s there has been significant adoption of social media by individuals, companies and Alpha Sigma Alpha. It seems like there are new social media platforms popping up all the time, such as Snapchat, Periscope and YikYak. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram use is widespread across many generations.

The way people use social media is about as varied as there are types of social media platforms. After reading this article, it occurred to me that your personality might impact your approach to social media.

Think about how you show up to a group meeting for the first time. Some people naturally work the room while others chat with a couple of people that are their friends. Others are reserved until they understand the lay of the land. Then there’s always somebody that came to sell you something whether it be a product or an idea.

If you know what you want to accomplish with your social media presence, you can craft your content to that personality. There’s no right or wrong way! Over the course of time, I could probably classify myself in five of the personality types noted in the infographic. I hope that doesn’t mean I have a multiple-personality social media disorder! Since I do like approval, tell me what you think at @hust0058.