ASA Blog Post

Transferring Sorority Skills into Everyday Life

Ainsley McGinn, ΘX

In my two years as a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha, I have gained a variety of skills and experiences that will translate into my professional and personal life. Traits like empathy, accountability and self-advocacy have also been nurtured and strengthen during my tenure in Alpha Sigma Alpha.

Accountability is vital in one’s personal and professional life. Setting commitments and being personally responsible for the results is a sign of maturity and understanding of one’s personal value and linkage to others in an organization. As Vice President of Membership Education, I was accountable to the Theta Chi Chapter to ensure that our new members received the proper training and instruction to become full members within Alpha Sigma Alpha and to understand the values and commitments to our sisterhood. Accountability also requires humility to accept that faults and errors can and will happen. How you pivot and clarify or correct issues that arise is a key part of accepting the responsibility to be evaluated on the results of your work effort. Being accountable also means being human. I have learned that it is okay to make mistakes; it is what we do, and how we recover, that matters most in achieving positive results in the end.

Besides accountability, I have learned greatly about compromise. Conflicting ideas on how best to solve an issue can arise within any organization whether it be a team, a work group or board. Understanding how to professionally navigate conflicting approaches is the best path to finding solutions to problems. Conflict resolution can teach someone how to be an active listener, find empathy, learn how to be assertive and most importantly be an effective communicator and advocate. I have learned how important it is to set the right intentions and be clear about what it is I find concerning. I work with others to find solutions to the issue at hand. I have learned that healthy debate can be a means to learn about someone else and that disagreements can actually strengthen a relationship when approached with empathy for one another. It is okay if issues and disagreements arise, because it can be such a great teaching moment for all.

As an athlete for my university and a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha, effective time management has been critical to my success in the classroom, on the field and within Sorority. I have learned that balancing various schedules, hobbies and extracurricular activates is vital in both my personal and professional life. As an athlete, I have a commitment to my team and my coaches. When I am not practicing or attending games, I am balancing my work schedule, academics and events with my chapter. It can seem hectic, but effective time management, the use of calendar reminders and adhering to a schedule allow for structure and order in one’s daily life. When one really focuses on structuring their daily schedule, you learn how to prioritize, address scheduling conflicts, manage time and be more organized each day. I recommend creating a Google Calendar with all your schedules, assignments and work to help fully understand what you need to accomplish each day.

Sorority life is a representation of ourselves and our organization and how we do that each day MATTERS. In a professional setting, as an employee or business owner, you represent a greater company and people. Even now as a student-athlete, I not only represent myself, but I represent my teammates, coaches and my university. It is the same with Alpha Sigma Alpha. I represent myself through the badge and letters I proudly wear. We as women of this organization must carry our collective values, the heart of what makes Alpha Sigma Alpha great, forward in our lives, careers, volunteerism and activism so we make an impact in our communities and organizations.