The SHC goals include programming, education and direction related to those facilities. The SHC is dedicated to assisting the Sorority in supporting the priorities of the Sorority.As stated in its incorporation documents the SHC is a separately incorporated 501(c)(7) organization and is responsible for:
Receiving and administering funds necessary to operate facilities on college campuses where members of the Sorority live together, commingle, and have access to social and recreational facilities needed to advance the Sorority's and the Corporation's purpose of good fellowship and a positive fraternal experience
Bringing together members of the Sorority for training and programming to assist them in maintaining occupancy and managing facilities safely and competitively
Making grants and/or loans to active chapters of the Sorority (and/or to corporations and building associations directly related to the Sorority) for the purchase, construction, expansion, repair, remodeling, or improvement of chapter houses
Assisting chapters of the Sorority in obtaining loans for purposes consistent with the Corporation's exempt purposes
Investing funds in accordance with applicable law, applicable grantor restrictions, and applicable policies of the Corporation, to further the Corporation's exempt purposes