Alpha Sigma Alpha believes it is important to empower members to take a stand against sexual assault and to give them the tools they need to speak up and intervene in difficult situations.
The Support & Safety Program provides members with information through chapter workshops to be facilitated by trained volunteers.The support & safety workshops focus on the following topics:
Healthy relationships
Survivor support
Bystander intervention
Risk reduction
Each year the chapter should host one workshop that focuses on support & safety topics. There are four workshops the chapter can select to fulfill the chapter programming. Each workshop must be facilitated by a trained volunteer. The Support & Safety Program is an exclusive member-only program.
In the fall of 2023, Alpha Sigma Alpha sunset the Sexual Assault Prevention Program (SAPP) and began offering the new Support & Safety Program (SSP). The SSP covers the same topics as the SAPP, with a title change that more accurately reflects the intention of the program and revised, updated lessons.