Membership Education
Lifelong Learning
“The fundamental object of a sorority is to cultivate those qualities which will help its members to meet more successfully the events of life. A sorority is the training ground for the cultivation of the act of living in harmony with other people. Cooperation cannot be had where affection and trust are not. The first duty of a sorority is, then, to nurture of the atmosphere of mutual love and friendship in a common venture. Alpha Sigma Alpha has a definite work to perform throughout the lives of its members and through them a beneficent influence upon society at large.” – Founder Louise Cox Carper
Stages of Education
New Members
New member education is the most hands-on engaging phase of membership. Our new members explore how to elevate the influence of women in the world by reflecting on their role on their campus and in their community. Online modules provide important information about our organization and its history. Lesson plans are provided for in-person sessions, where new members form strong relationships with other members and forge a strong connection with Alpha Sigma Alpha through insightful discussions and reflection.

Initiated Members
Initiate education is not an individual membership experience. Chapters have the opportunity to learn as a chapter through core value programs. Core value programs are educational programs designed around Alpha Sigma Alpha’s eight core values. Members participate in a post-program reflection that allows them to further explore the personal meaning of our core values. Any initiate member interested in serving as a big sister participates in a big sister certification program, exploring the concept of mentorship and preparing to serve as a role model and friend to the newest members of Alpha Sigma Alpha.

Senior Members
The senior member program focuses on preparing for life after college and finding a personal purpose to making a difference in the community. Senior members conclude their membership education by sharing a legacy project with the chapter. This legacy project allows for senior members to reflect on the time they have spent in their collegiate chapter and how they will purposefully impact the community.