Legacy Policy
Alpha Sigma Alpha's Legacy Policy
A legacy is defined as a Sister/step-sister, Daughter/step-daughter, Granddaughter/step-granddaughter, Niece/step-niece of an Alpha Sigma Alpha member.
Alpha Sigma Alpha values relationships including those that exist among family members. Chapters are encouraged to get to know a legacy during the recruitment process. Extending an invitation to membership not only enables a chapter to gain a new member, it also recognizes lifetime membership and the broader bonds of sisterhood. Membership is a mutual selection process. It is important a potential member chooses an organization where she feels a sense of belonging and the chapter makes its own membership selection decisions. The ultimate decision as to whether or not an invitation to membership is extended is that of the collegiate chapter.

Submit a Potential Member Referral
All members can submit a new member referral to share the contact information of any woman (not just legacies) who might be interested in joining Alpha Sigma Alpha at the link below.